I play in the space between grief and gratitude.
I may have become a grief worker by accident, but it is my calling.
I come from a place of profound personal and professional experience with grief, and have a deep understanding of each of the stages and the dangers inherent in suppressing them.
After devoting 800+ hours to ushering individual clients through debilitating grief,
I have developed a simple but surprisingly effective technique.
What I offer is companioning rather than counseling or coaching.
We share transformational conversation sessions that explore your worries as well as your wild dreams for the future, and create a supportive structure with daily tools so you can guide yourself forward with care and confidence.
We begin with the most difficult task:
recognizing that we are already facing forms of collapse
that will dramatically alter the way we live within the next decade.
Despite the solutions we already have.
Despite the efforts and progress already made.
Despite the positive attitude we apply to our climate work.
It is quite a leap to go from ignoring the dissonance we feel inside
to recognizing the reality of our predicament,
moving through our stages of grief,
and settling into a state of calm acceptance
while actively choosing adaptation practices that build resilience.
You can't go through this transformation
without experiencing inner turmoil.
But know this:
in just two weeks,
through a series of ongoing conversation sessions,
you can reach new levels of clarity, creativity, and commitment
that will enrich and elevate your vision of the future.

I don't pretend to be a climate psychologist or eco-therapist.
But I am uniquely positioned to guide you through this personal transformation thanks to:
🟦 my work helping 130+ individuals move through their grief in order to thrive in new ways
🟦 my own life experience processing profound grief and loss
🟦 my training in trauma-informed facilitation and creative breakthrough coaching, and my role as a mindfulness trainer
My work is also informed by:
🟦 my 30+ years of learning about deep ecology, behavioral psychology, and personal, social, and systems change via the work of Joanna Macy (The Work That Reconnects, The Great Turning, Active Hope) and Donella (Dana) Meadows (The Limits to Growth, Thinking in Systems)
🟦 my engaged exploration of collapse by studying scientific research and integrating relevant information from the work of Jem Bendell (Deep Adaptation, Breaking Together) and Nate Hagens (The Great Simplification), among others
🟦 my role in successfully guiding dozens of climate-focused innovators through this process in a series of Active Inquiry sessions via text, email, voice/video messages, and Zoom.
🟦 my ongoing experiment in embracing adaptation myself and making major life changes - including an international move, building an entirely new community, and immersing in new learning experiences.
If you're ready to re-frame and re-imagine your view of the future
and keep your mind, eyes, and heart wide open
to both the challenges and the opportunities of this journey
from despair to determination to delight,
I would love to partner with you.

I offer a powerful series called Choosing Adaptation.
It is designed to serve as a deep dive
with daily contact
for two weeks
at an accessible price.
Choosing Adaptation takes you
from the grief of recognizing our metacrisis
to gratitude for your new path of clarity, creativity, collaboration, and community through adaptation.
This series is ideal for those who recognize their grief and feel ready to explore it and learn its lessons. It guides you to funnel your new energy into actionable adaptation practices that develop personal and professional resilience.
Choosing Adaptation includes:
🟦 2 45-minute Zoom sessions (around Days 1 and 14)
🟦 ongoing Active Inquiry-based sessions via text/chat, voice/video messages, etc. (your choice)
🟦 1 30-minute follow-up Zoom session on Day 30
In this two-week series of ongoing conversation sessions, we mix it up, using text and voice/video messages as well as face-to-face calls.
This allows for more reflection between questions, dramatically increasing the depth of your insights and opening new ways of seeing your opportunities.
Your journey is YOURS, and your sessions will be highly personalized.
We start where you are, focus on your needs and longings, and find your best way forward.
It is designed for:
*solopreneurs, consultants, changemakers, creatives
*non-profit organization leaders who guide small teams
*those working in sustainability-related roles and recognizing the shift needed
*those who are between roles
Price: US$495
Schedule now for openings available in: March 2025
*NOTE: I also offer a premium package for individuals, and work with groups. Contact me here
"What I loved most about my experience with Maya was her prompts to share my stories related to Nature.
It was the beginning of a beautiful reconnecting to who I was as a child, happily riding my pony, playing in the creek, and discovering new wonders daily. Those stories and memories inspired me, bringing a new resonance to my life and work."
"I felt completely isolated in my ideas, and was afraid to talk to anyone. Maya was warm and supportive.
I was surprised by the depth of our conversation despite its casualness. It was refreshing to laugh about the absurdities of our way of life with someone who really gets it! It definitely made the hard parts more bearable.
I feel relieved and ignited."
"I honestly don't know what I would have done without Maya's gentle kickstart.
It was exactly what I needed to face the fact that it was time for a big change.
Even though my project is new, I am heartened by my progress so far. I love feeling wide awake and fully engaged instead of sleepwalking through my days!"

Now, the thing about collapse awareness is that the emotions come in waves, triggered by what we read, discuss, and experience daily.
So, I'm certainly not promising you will never feel sad, guilty, or angry about the state of the world!
But through our series of conversations, you will:
1) recognize what triggers each of these emotions and how they show up for you,
2) develop a greater ability to ride the waves and positively channel the energy they give you, and
3) create your own plan for how you want to adapt as you move forward with this new awareness in ways that lead to discovery and resilience.

Not everyone is ready to go deep,
even if they suspect there is light on the other side.
I work with those who would rather face reality fully than keep their head in the sand.
It is an honor to guide people who are willing to
spend time doing the inner work of amending their world view
and making a profound pivot.
The first step is always the hardest.
It´s a matter of recognizing that you are ready to explore what you have long suspected, and start living fully and deliberately with that wisdom.
I am not a licensed psychologist or therapist, nor am I offering traditional counseling or therapy.
My training is in trauma-informed facilitation and creative breakthrough coaching.
My unique take on the Active Inquiry approach and companioning addresses both longing and belonging. It encourages personal evolution and action, including self-care, outreach, and activism.
You can read about how I developed my process here.
IMPORTANT: Though I work with those struggling with grief, I am not the right person to help you if you have a history of severe depression or suicidal ideation.
If this is true for you, please seek help immediately from a qualified professional psychiatrist.
I have had my own battles with despair. I care about you, and urge you to get the treatment you need. There is a path forward for you!
Do you have questions about whether this is right for you?