Why Choose ME? - My Helpful List Of the Experiences That Can Help Me Help YOU

In a vast sea of coaches focused on helping women thrive,

why should you choose to work with ME? 


That´s a legit question. 


Whenever I am considering

working with or hiring someone to help me

improve my personal or professional life, I ask:

What do they know?

How do they know it?

What are their results?


(You can find some of the answers to these questions

on my How It Started page or About page.)


But when it comes to coaching,

training and professional experience aren´t everything

For me, it´s important to find a coach or expert 

who also has personal experience that gives them 

a unique perspective on what is most

relevant to my particular challenges and dreams.


So, I ask: 

Have they done for themselves what I am trying to do

or faced and overcome the challenge I am facing? 


But the answer to this question doesn´t always show up

in social media profiles, blog postsnewsletters, or podcasts.

And I don´t want you to have unanswered questions,

or assume I have experience with something I haven´t dealt with myself.


So, I thought it would be helpful if I provided

a list of the experiences I´ve had since turning 45

that give me first-hand knowledge that can help YOU.


Because at 45, 

I had a very normal U.S. life in a subdivision in a suburb of Portland, Oregon.

House, three cars, all the things.

My husband and I were facing concurrent college costs for four

and a looming empty nest.

We did not have hefty savings or big incomes. 

We had no idea what the future would bring.

But we were willing to take one big step to try something new.

(Yes, with four teenage daughters.) 


And once we took that one big step, SO MANY MORE were open to us.


Now that I´m in my 60s, I have the advantage

of looking back on all of it and gaining

a deeper understanding of the

choices and changes,

and recognize what I would do differently now.


And this perspective can help you

way more than working with someone

who is just a year or two into it themselves

and still figuring things out!


Fair warning: this list sounds like a brag fest. 🙇‍♀️ 


But my goal is to give you a full but quick summary

so you can 

scan the list

and see if I might feel like 

a good fit for you,

your particular circumstances,

and your goals and dreams.


Here it is.


Since hitting 45, I have:


sold (almost) everything in the U.S. to move abroad with my family

spent a year in Mexico (our starter country)

moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina (our first big city)

⭐launched four daughters who graduated from college (with no debt) before age 20 

⭐pitched a book idea, got a book deal (Crown/Random House), and went on a book tour

⭐bought and refurbished a farmhouse in rural Uruguay

⭐moved to Japan to teach preschoolers

⭐moved to China (served as vice principal of a private kindergarten, then as the private English tutor for the family of Jack Ma, former CEO of Alibaba)

⭐spent six months traveling in Southeast Asia

⭐moved back to Mexico to make art for a year

⭐moved back to Argentina

⭐built a brand, website, social media accounts, and blog for two businesses

⭐shared my expertise and stories in multiple media outlets

⭐made art daily while staying in Buenos Aires during the lockdown

⭐sold my art as NFTs to collectors around the world, donating the proceeds to organizations implementing climate change solutions

⭐exhibited my art in Italy, France, Spain, and the U.K.

⭐spent several months in Europe and Africa

⭐coached women in 18 countries  

⭐published articles in sustainability journals

⭐spoke on international panels regarding sustainable blockchain practices and AI ethics

⭐became a grandmother of 5 little ones living in Buenos Aires, Dubai, and Sacramento (and spent many months visiting them!)

⭐moved my mother to an assisted living center, sold her home, and handle daily details

⭐cared for and lost multiple parents and parents-in-law (and experienced all that follows) 

⭐healed from a serious injury that required bed rest for four months

⭐healed from an excruciating autoimmune disease through diet alone (without taking medication)


I know that sounds like a lot.

And that´s the point.

It all started from ONE decision 

to simplify everything while ensuring that

we would have an unforgettable adventure

even as life threw us the typical ups and downs.


Though this list makes even MY head swim, 

the truth is that nothing felt rushed or overwhelming.

Each experience was an opportunity for growth. 


Now, I don´t pretend to know 

what your particular challenges are or what you´re dreaming of.

But if anything on this list

intrigues or resonates with you,

we might work beautifully together! 


So, if something inside you is humming

and you feel like there´s a connection here,

just click the button below to explore that further.

Still have questions? 

You can learn more on my FAQ page,

or feel free to send me a message using this handy form


Ready to chat? Go HERE


I believe you´re here for a reason. I can´t wait to help you discover and explore it!
